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Definition of a Yoemen

YOEMEN is plural, not Yoeman. We don't play for ourselves, we play as a team.
To be classified as a YOEMEN you have pride in your team
and not just yourself.
We play for the name on the front NOT the back.
To be a YOEMEN is all about being full of pride,
being a top school in the state,
and never giving up in our school and our name, "YOEMEN."
We may be hated by many, loved by few, but we ARE Respected By All.
We do everything with class and respect for others.
To be a YOEMEN, you have to have heart and effort to be the best
that you can be for the school and the community.
We STAND OUT as one of the schools
that does not have a repetitive mascot like a tiger or a mustang.
As you go through Yoe High School or any other Cameron ISD campus,
You can take the person out of the school,
but you cannot take the YOE PRIDE out of the student.
Once a YOEMEN, always a YOEMEN.

Written in 2004

By:  Jordan Beckhusen, Michael Dohnalik, and Calan Benton.


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